My girlfriend just broke up with me for being too unamerican…Kenya believes that…but honestly, I saw it coming from a kilometer away.
Tags: DailyJoke, funny, humour, jokes,
Category: humour
My job is worse than your job. My job is so fucking unbelievable. I’ll try to sum it up by first telling you about the folks I work with: First,…
Tags: DailyJoke, funny, humour, jokes,
Category: humour
I got my first job as an accountant at 22, right out of college. Suddenly, the week after I turned 30, they fired me.13 years of loyal service to the…
Tags: DailyJoke, funny, humour, jokes,
Category: humour
In a small town near Dracholt, the only cow in the town stopped giving milk after some research, the town folk learned that they could buy one in Aubin, another…
Tags: DailyJoke, funny, humour, jokes,
Category: humour
Veterans Day. An elderly American gentleman of 97 arrived in Paris by plane. At the French customs desk, the man took a few minutes to locate his passport in his…
Tags: DailyJoke, funny, humour, jokes,
Category: humour