6/1/23 Jokes

1. A priest and a businessman were playing golf.The businessman stepped up to tee and swung hard but missed “Fucking goddamn to hell!” he swore. “Don’t take the Lord’s name…

5/1/23 Jokes

1. How did the zombie know they won the lottery?It was a dead giveaway 2. Santa gets around a lot just like Ludacris.He ho ho ho’s in different area codes.…

4/1/23 Jokes

1. My best friend is a professional one-handed swimmer but an absolute showoff!Just finish the race for fuck sake! nobody cares how many times you can swim in a circle.…

3/1/23 Jokes

1. Why was Santa hacked?Because he accepts all the cookies. 2. They say marriage is like a three-ring circusFirst, you get the engagement ring. Then, you get the wedding ring.…

2/1/23 Jokes

1. Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates.“In honor of this holy season,” Saint Peter said, “You must each possess something…

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